Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 (1)

Dear Mate,
My children are now 11 and 14. I am planning to go to school full time and finish my degree so I can go back to work and find a good job when college bills come in. The problem is that I still don't feel right leaving the children to themselves. They are not too thrilled either. But they certainly are old enough, are not they? Based on this situation, what’s the best way for us, Mate? A lot of thanks for the answer, Mate.


  1. TRI BUDIARTO (33)09:33

    As we know, college cost is very expensive, moreover later you have to fulfill college needs for your two children. It’s a good idea when you think you want to get a better job so you will get enough salary for your needs.
    Planning go to school and finish your school to get your degree can very helpful when you looking for a better job. Many big company consider to employ by degree because they think that someone who has degree is more experience in their part.
    I think, age at 11 and 14 is not too young to be leaved themselves. They starting to know how to guard themselves. So you can less your worries about them, and else it can practice them to be more autonomous. Leaving children alone by themselves is not fully right, but sometimes it’s necessary to do.
    You can start to planning to go to school so you can get a better job later. but I think, it will be better if you’re still pay attention to your children, not ignore their love needs from their parents. you can’t go to school full time because you have responsibilities about your children, don’t forget about that. Meanwhile you’re going to school, maybe you can hire baby sitter or some children sitter to guard.

  2. TIA RISQI (32)09:34

    Well mate, I know that what you are facing is a difficult problem. Your choices made you confuse which one is the best in your life, for you and for your children.
    In my opinion, 11 and 14 years old are still teenagers. They need your attention, still a lot. They are not old enough yet. But in the other hand, you have to find a good job to pay your college payment, also for your daily needs I think.
    My suggestion is back to yourself. If you have to leave them full time, it is O.K but when you get home, do not forget to talk with them, everything, what were they doing, is there any problem, what price they got at school, you have to make good environment among your family. Remember this. You work to get money to pay your life and certainly for your children, then now. What if you lose the harmony in your family? That would be useless I think. Keep your family in good.

  3. SRI LISNAWATI (31)10:13

    Well mate, I know you’re facing difficult choices. You want to concern to your education but in another side you are afraid to leave your children.
    I think your children are not too young. They can manage themselves and have been responsible to do something. They go to school and have some positive activities. Your education is very important for them also. If you get a good job, you will make your children’s future are good and guaranteed.
    You can still monitor your children by phone in break time when you are worry about them. You can prevent your worrying about their meals by leaving some snacks or preparing meals before going. You can also entrust our children to your trusted people such as your mother or your sisters. If you are worry about their achievement, you can call your children’s teachers. Every problem has solution. Don’t be worry but still be cautious!

  4. SRI KHASANAH (30)10:14

    Children is parent’s priority. The reason parent work hard is to give their children food (a plate of rice as minimal). As their mom, your first duty is for them.
    Sometimes parent find a good job with high salary but they must leave their child, I can say that it is a big problem for them. Many of them are not feel right leaving the children to themselves. But it is office’s direction. In my opinion, you should rent a child sitter.
    Although you are not in your house but there is a babysitter or maid who can control your children everytime. Their development is more important than your study. I think you can study but prepaing them to be more succesful is more important.
