Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5 (1)

Dear mate,
As we know, there are so many corruptions in every elements of this country such as in companies, government, even universities or school. This caused some academic or intelligent people got difficulties to find a job. What is your idea about this, Mate? What solution that maybe can solve this problem? Thank you for the ideas.


  1. GANANG SANJAYA (12)09:42

    Corruption is the biggest problem in Indonesia . Corruption looks like the monster that will eat you slow but sure. I am indonesian, so i would say my opinion about my country’s problem.
    I hate corruption so much. First, you might feel happy with your jerk money, but it was so evil thing. It was people’s money! It is our country’s money! Didn’t you see so many poor people that have to be worked so hard just to get a meal? and the corruptors just spent his money with his luxurious cars that just stuck in their big house! If you open your eyes, you will be shy to do corruption.
    We must take deep in our soul that corruption is bad thing. You must be shy if you do the corruption. You must see there were so many poor people out there, you must see there were so many victim of accident because the road that were not be repaired by the corruptors. If every people have this feeling \, the corruption is being handled easily.

  2. FAUZIYAH (11)09:08

    Corruption is our dangerous problem in our country. It will be our culture if we are not serious to solve this.
    I think in formal education, we have to change our mindset. Now our mindset just on cognitif aspect. It is not good. We have to change to affective aspect. We have to remember that our education output is to create young generation who good characters. I think that Knowledge is our power but character is more important.
    Beside that, government have to give good image to our society, do not do corruption your happiness. You have responsibility to your society.

  3. GIGEH PRASETYO (13)09:12

    Corruption is a bad activity that cause losses of governments, companies, even universities or school. Isn’t it, Mate?
    There are many effect from corruption such us difficult to get a job. Many people become difficult to get a job because their office’s experience’s person takes money from applicant. I think to solve this problem we must increase our religion and see everything even tell to the police if we think there are corruption in our office.
    Corruption that many of the adverse action, should not those who are corrupt selfish. many people who become victims of their actions the CORRUPTION! should eradicate corruption in the world in the face of this earth! punished accordingly for his actions!

  4. INDAH RETNO AYU (14)09:35

    Yeah Mate, talking about corruption in Indonesia, actually anticorruption efforts are by no means a new concept in Indonesia. But since the 1950s, corruption has been mostly investigated and prosecuted, while preventative methods have been overlooked.
    I’ve ever read that a new collaboration involving more than 100 universities across the archipelago wants to change that. The method is simple. More than 100 universities are currently, or will be, offering courses on integrity and anticorruption. Classes are being taught as part of six subjects that are, or should be, closely connected to integrity: public administration, law, Islamic studies, health, business ethics and communication.
    The anticorruption movement used to be focused on investigating cases, sending them through the prosecution process, then waiting for the courts. While we think that’s still important, that is just taking care of the corruption problem on a superficial level.

  5. DENIS SETIADI (10)09:42

    Indonesia today faces an enormous problem related to corruption. Almost every day we read in the newspapers about corruption cases implicating state officials, isn’t it, Mate?
    Democracy encourages rent seeking behavior among businesspeople and politicians. Politicians need money to win elections, and businessmen provide the money to the politicians. After the politicians are elected, they pay back the money to businesspeople in the forms of privileges and benefits from state policies. As a consequence, elected politicians do not care about the interests of their constituents, such as poverty eradication, improvement of healthcare and education. They just think how to pay back the costs of the election process.
    These are reasons why reformists should establish new and strong institutions, such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The most valuable element of the KPK is its capability to arrest corruptors. A strong law enforcement agency like the KPK would be useless if it lacked the power to eradicate corruption.
