Monday, May 14, 2012

1 (2)

Dear Mate,
I am a girl. As far as I notice, recently girls often do some improvement to their performance for the sake of boys. They make over their faces, hair, etc. In your opinion, why do the girls do want to be seen as a perfect girl in front of the boys? Does it really important, Mate? For your answer, thank you.


  1. M. REZZA ARDY P. (21)10:47

    Okay Mate , this is just about a girl who want to be perfect near boys. Girls have their own feeling when they are near boys. Is it important? let's see!
    Each girls are different. They have their own opinion and feeling about boys. In my opinion the girls who want to be seen as a perfect girl in front of the boys want to take more attention from the boy, or she like to be more seen from the her other girls friend so she could have more attention than the others. Maybe the girls like the boys or something else that we couldn't know.
    If i were you, I would be myself! I think it is not important to be perfect in front of the boys, you just must to be yourself. If the boys want to be friends with you wtihout your perfection, he is your real friend, but if it is not, you don't have to be perfect because there were so many boys who can accept your personality without your perfection. so for the girls, you must just to be your self ! :)

  2. NAVITA D.R (24)10:57

    Well mate, I so agree with your statement. “Recently girls are often do some improvement to their performance for the sake of boys”. We can find it everywhere, mall, public places, cafetaria, everywhere, everyplaces.
    Looking good in performance is good, but they have to think that not only from outside but also from inside, they have to looking good.
    Why do the girls do want to be seen as a perfect? I think, because they want to get some praises from the boys, and in my opinion, I hate to say this, if the girls just want a perfection without thinking inner beauty or inside, that would be useless. Specially for me, I think not only for me, we, the boys, rather like beautiful inside than outside, though we confess the performance outside is important too.
    It’s important or not? I said both of them shut be balance. So not only performance outside but also inside and don’t forget “just be yourself”. Beauty Inside Good Looking Outside.

  3. M. REZA RIPDIANSYAH (20)10:58

    Well Mate, I see that make over the face to make it beautiful is very popular at the moment. It’s like a fashion that has to be followed if you don’t want to be called ‘old fashion’.
    Most of girls change their appearance up to date to the fashion. So, I think make over the face, hair, even your dressing style, can attract some boys’ attention because boys are really like a beautiful girl. They, I mean most of them, will see a girl physically then heart. If it’s beautiful to see, then it will beautiful in heart too.
    But changing your appearance to attract boys’ attention is not right. Because boys who interest to some girls who change their appearance maybe just look at you because you are beautiful from outside. How about the heart? Inner beauty? Isn’t that more important?
    Beautiful is important, but the way to make you beautiful is not only by make over face, hair or dress style. For me, dressing and make over your heart is more important. It’s so classic reason, but I believe that this is real, that from a beauty heart will come a beautiful face. A good heart leading people become a good girl, Mate.

  4. MUNFARID MUAZI (23)10:59

    Oke, i think it’s something usual for teenager, especially for girls. Making over is good to make your performance beatiful and confidence. But, you have to do normally.
    Teenager will do something strange in beginning of puberty. They (girl) want to be attractive in boy’s sight.Then, this teenage is beginning step to get maturity. They acts as if she was woman. They want to be pretty girl and fall in love with boy, Mate.
    I think girls should look perfect in front of the guy that does not really matter. Just the way you are. My suggest is that it doesn't matter for you, just be yourself.

  5. MAULINDA ETIK (22)11:00

    I thinks it’s important to look girls because guy look at girls from the outside it but did not rule out the guy saw the girls of his heart, sometimes guy also liked her in terms of appearance and his heart. Remember that the perfect should not overdo it, Mate.
    I think girls who have to look perfect in front of the guy's important, because it can attract attention and see if she's neat.
    In my point of view, being a "perfect" girl in case of appearance is not really important. That kind of girl only hopes for attention from everybody to look at her. Your heart is the most important. Being your true self is also the best. But of course, your true self must be good. If it's not good, you don't have any other option but to "change".
