Tuesday, April 24, 2012



Dear mate,

I need advice.If you had to take a class with one of your professors, which would you pick and why?

Professor A is new to the faculty and this is his first time teaching the course. He is a decent professor. He is also very prudent and respectful of his students.

Professor B is more intelligent and experienced in teaching than the first professor. He is engaging and entertaining during lectures and has a very generous grading curve. The only problem is that he comes across as being creepy and arrogant and he makes sexual jokes in class that you think cross the line.

1 comment:

  1. Professor A: easy grades. Since he's new so his works for the students might not be stable yet. So maybe easy class works and easy grades. But his 1st time inexperience might lead to "bad teaching" since he won't know what good to teach and what not to teach. And maybe bad time managing on test dates and stuff.
    Professor B: Sounds like he would be a good choice because of his experiences. And the most important thing when it comes to pick good professor is that, he/or she should be entertaining and enthusiastic in his/or her teaching. Because you won't want a boring professor; you'll likely to fail if that the case. (happened to me)

    P.S. I would pick Professor B because I want to be sure that my grade won't fail due to inexperienced professor.. it would be suck to retake. Just go with the professor with good rating by students. Just ignore the jokes stuff. You simply don't have to laugh along and stuff with him. Just show up and do your part. And the professor should, too.
