Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Advice column in Indonesia means 'kolom nasehat'.
An advice column is a column in a magazine or newspaper written by an advice columnist (colloquially known in British English as an agony aunt, or agony uncle if the columnist is a male). The image presented was originally of an older woman providing comforting advice and maternal wisdom, hence the name "aunt". An advice columnist can also be someone who gives advice to people who send in problems to the newspaper. 
Some of famous advice columnists:

Many advice columns are now  appear in countless newspapers. Prominent U.S. examples include Dear Abby, Ann Landers, and in a more modern form, Carolyn Hax's "Tell Me About It". Internet sites such as the Elder Wisdom Circle offer relationship advice to a broad audience, while Dear Maggie offers sex advice to a predominantly Christian readership in Christianity Magazine. In the UK, Ann Widdecombe is renowned for her advice column in The Guardian newspaper and has been for many years.
  Advice columns on the internet provide ways to share one's interests and expertise. Anyone can be a columnist and create their own advice column. Users can can post questions for columnists to answer. Users can also interact with the columnist and with each other to voice their opinions. E-mailing advisors is popular because readers can open up their personal problems without exposing their identity to the world. Popular e-mail advisers include Aunt Vera and Annie.

You can find the example of advice column via internet here:

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