Wednesday, May 2, 2012

7 (1)

Dear Mate,
I have a ten-year-old sister. Right now she is beginning to follow rock and roll music groups and singers. I ever listened to one of the CDs recently and was not happy with the tunes or the lyrics. I can’t take the music away from her: all her friends listen to them too. In your opinion, Mate, what should I do to minimize this kind of thing in our home? Thank you.


  1. BIMO NUGROHO (7)09:43

    Everyone has their own hobbies, and so your sister. Everyone listening to different music based what they like. What become easy listening for them.
    Maybe your sister like those kind of music, rock and roll, because her environment is like it too. Many people now hear rock and roll because it become more slowly right now so it get easier to listening.
    The best way you can do to minimize this kind of thing on your home maybe you can ask for your sister not to play the music too loud whenever you around, so you won’t feel disturbed.

  2. BAGAS AJI NUGROHO (6)09:44

    Well mate, I know that what you are facing is a difficult problem. Your sister is still young, ten years old, who is beginning to follow rock and roll music groups and singers.
    I know how was so little bit annoyed if I were you. You live with your family, and of course with your sister. When your sister turns on the CD, you want or not you will hear it.
    My suggestion, u have to more often talk with her, chat everything, go to mall, hang out with her, then slow but sure make her change but never say that to your sister, because if u command her to leave her rock and roll she will be offended, and I think it is not good. Involving your parent if it needed.

  3. AYU FATMAWATI (5)09:46

    Every person surely has their own passion, include in the music choices. Your sister, in this case, has a little different with the other.
    We should be able to appreciate the works of others, because we respect other people's work, it's like we respect ourselves. We should be able to adjust to him more fond of rock music although we lack love.
    Make it relax, make relationship closer, and change her slowly to leave to forget rock and roll.

  4. BUDI HARTOYO (8)09:47

    In the world there are many kind of music like rock, RnB, reaggee, pop even dangdut. Become the singerof the musioc can make us happy, your brother too. Now, your brother begins to follow rock n roll music with his group.
    That is no probem, but if all his friend listen to them in your house is problem. May be your parent will angry with your brother and lock him in his room. I think, to minimize this kind of thing in your home you must say it to your parent so that they make a new direction I your house to protect your brother follow his new music group.
    As a sister, you should support her hoby. You have to give her suggestion so that she can train her hobby more serious. Your family and friend’s support will make her more succes.

  5. DENI SUSILO (9)09:10

    Yes Mate, I see your problem. When these issues come up one should evaluate whether the peer group your sister is involved with is one that is acceptable to you.
    Well, it is your home and as a sister, you can also make the rules you think your family needs. Or maybe you can ask your mother to do this to your sister because she has power more than you, I think. You can also keep out as much or as little of the current culture as you wish. You can permit or refuse your sister anything the popular culture gives out, friends or no friends.
    However, what you need to remember is to replace what you take away with something else. If you take away her peer group music, replace with different, more acceptable music, or interesting acceptable films. Always explain and help your sister evaluate with your family’s values and beliefs.
