Monday, May 14, 2012

3 (2)

Dear Mate,
Talking about democracy, I’d like to know actually how we can apply democracy in our family and school life. As we know, democracy now has been an important thing to be done in every elements of life. What is your idea to see this, Mate? Thanks before, Mate.


  1. KRISTIANTO (16)10:48

    Well mate, I was so agree with your statement. Democracy now has been an important thing to be done.
    In family, if parents respect their children’s opinions, it would be great right? It will improve the harmony in family environment. So I think the use of democracy in family are :
    1. Children free to give their opinion,
    2. Parents know what their children’s wants,
    3. Children free doing everything, and be their parent’s duty is keeping them in good or positive things,
    4. Etc.
    If democracy applied in the family, I think the harmony will be created, the familiarity will be happened.
    In school life, democracy could be applied in many fields. For example, in OSIS. They can speak what they want to speak, doing everything filling their activities in OSIS like what they want. Not depend on their teachers.
    In the other hands, democracy could be applied on the selection of leader of OSIS. They can chose who proper to be a leader appropriate what they want, etc.

  2. KUKUH ADES (17)11:19

    Democracy is an important thing to be done in every part of life, in family and school life.
    Many things in the world needs something freedomly. I think freedom to choose whatever we want, whether it’s in family or school life , is necessary because human has a right to choose anything we want.
    Democracy need to be spread in every part of life. Democracy has been one of the things that people are fighting for. They want a freedom to argue, to choose and even to life with their way.
    Democracy isn’t something bad to follow. We surely need freedom to do whatever we want.

  3. M. FAISAL TJ (19)11:19

    Well mate. This is about the use of democracy in our life.
    Democracy is an important thing. Without democracy maybe we will attack by the others just to make our opinion to be the one! Democration make us unite and make us be together.
    The use of democracy in family: you will fel comfort because you can say all of your opinion and you problem to your family. Like your opinion about your favorite meal, or the bad meal that you can’t eat, or anything else that is in your heart.
    The use of democracy in school: it is so important thing in our school life. In example if we didn’t have democracy we will feel lazy to enter the school. Our opinion is refused and we must follow the others opinion. It was so annoying, right?
    So i think democracy is important in our life. We must say our opinion!

  4. ISMI RIAYUNIARTI (15)11:20

    Yeah, democracy is so important in our life. We have freedom to do anything with our responsibility, Mate.
    You can apply this in your home such as you mom ask you to choose the menu which you want to eat. With democracy , you have same level with the others. You get the same chance with others in education, law , etc. I think there is no reason for us to eject democracy.
    Democracy in our family and school life is to be free to choose the one that you want/like but you must be responsible of what you choose and you should have someone who supervises/guides you along the way.
    It's good and being applied to many of families recently. just don't forget the main two parts of democracy, RESPONSIBILITY and GUIDANCE. If you forget those things, it's not DEMOCRACY but "DEMOCRAZY"!!

  5. LEONARDO ARISKA (18)11:21

    Democracy is important because in order to defend something that is not in accordance with the will of the people. therefore, we as a people should be able to set up a democracy. Democracy is too important, but must be implemented by peaceful and orderly.
    In my opinion, democracy in the family is very important. Not so easy because we played by a particular party. And in our family as well as the children do not be afraid to argue or criticize, if it’s one we do not hesitate to say it.
    Democracy in the school was also very important. Because I think at school we do not miss any news at our own school. If we miss even ashamed of ourselves that same party outside of school.
    So democracy is very important to our own, because we are social beings if we miss the news just a little. That made huge impact on our own.
